Wine Country, Gibbston Valley - Queenstown
Holly & Morgan love their new home nestled in picturesque Gibbston Valley, Queenstown.
Their Rata features a full Birch Ply interior, French Oak floors and kitchen joinery.
Arbol' s reduced energy use design, an incinerating toilet, and grey water reticulation system also reduce their independence on the grid and did away with the need for an expensive septic system.
Their Rata features a full Birch Ply interior, French Oak floors and kitchen joinery.
Arbol' s reduced energy use design, an incinerating toilet, and grey water reticulation system also reduce their independence on the grid and did away with the need for an expensive septic system.

NZSIP panel construction ensures the highest amount of insulation and structural rigidity - with R7 floors & ceiling and R4.5 walls.
It was a little slick come delivery day, so we had to get the digger out for a tow.
All in days work for the professionals we utilise.