Our Team
Alvin & Lola
Alvin and Lola are Marcus’ & Chloe's french bulldogs.They enjoy belly rubs, stealing Franks office...
Frankosarus - Chief Lab Tester
Chief Lab tester – AKA Frank ‘The Tank’ Breed: Lab X CollieAge: 10 yearsAn adventure...
Marcus Allen - Árbol Eco Homes Founder
Árbol founder Marcus Allen A motivated craftsman from sunny Motueka, New Zealand, boasts a lifelong passion...
Todd Couper - Sales & Marketing Manager
Hey! Todd here, I'm a business partner and head up sales & marketing here at...
Josh - Apprentice Carpenter
Josh AKA DJ T is our energetic second year apprentice, always positive, approachable and the...
James - Carpenter
James AKA Jimmy is a qualified carpenter, who appreciates attention to detail, being out in...
Nick - Carpenter (Team Lead)
Nick AKA The Toolman Taylor. Why? Because if there's a dedicated tool for it, Nick...
Kylie Dobson - Operational Accounting Services
Profile coming! https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyliedobson/
Nic - Apprentice Carpenter
Nic our newest apprentice, has the motivation and ethic to follow through.He's been an MMA...